Posts Tagged: Republican Party

How corporations make us dependent upon them, and how that system fails

… According to the American Presidents’ Series biographies, Thomas Jefferson, as governor of Virginia during the Revolution, wanted Virginia, after the Revolution, to give 50 acres of land to every man who lacked land – a government handout, free of charge – so that every man and his descendants could be self-reliant. Jefferson dreamed of… Read more »

If Republicans give more to charity than Democrats, does that makes them the party that cares more about the poor?

From time to time, when I post a statement online that refers to the Republican Party as the party that exploits Americans for the sake of the greedy, a Republican will fire back that my statement is incorrect, because Republicans give more to charity than Democrats do. Of course, they miss the point of what… Read more »

How the Republican Party has Removed “Turn the other cheek” from Christianity

Many people today forget that Dr. Martin Luther King, the leader of the peaceful resistance civil rights movement of the 1960s, had another title to his name: “Reverend.” His call to non-violent protest in the face of sometimes violent opposition wasn’t just a political tactic; it was a religious conviction that can be found at… Read more »

Democrats vote their hopes; Republicans vote their fears; and that’s why Democrats lost

In recent months, one of the most common memes I’ve seen making its way around Facebook is the slogan, “Democrats vote their hopes; Republicans vote their fears.” If this is true, then it explains why Democrats lose mid-term elections, especially in recent years. The truth is that the Republican Party has figured out how to… Read more »

How Christian-supported gay discrimination laws will set the stage for future Christian persecution

The Republican Party loves to use fear of an apocalyptic doomsday scenario to scare people into supporting all Republican causes and condemning the Democratic Party as evil. One such scare tactic is convincing Christians that voting for Democrats will bring about the persecution of Christianity. Whenever the Republican news media can find a case in… Read more »