Posts Categorized: Christian Critiques

Exposing the 7-year Tribulation Doomsday Myth

… Over the past 50 years, a significant number of conservative Christians have promoted the idea that God has called America to support Israel at all costs, even if it means invading nations who might threaten Israel and effectively waging perpetual war in the Mid-East for the sake of weapons industry profits. These Evangelicals, led… Read more »

7 Bible Quotes of Social Justice as a Purpose of God’s Law

… [This article is an excerpt from the book, “Rescuing Religion from Republican Reason”] Republicans and Evangelicals have found common ground in their opposition to social justice. Naturally, justice for the poor flies in the face of what the Republicans have been doing since the 1870s – representing the wealthy oppressors of the poor. The… Read more »

14 Bible verses proving that God’s laws are for the well-being of others

What does the purpose of God’s laws have to do with politics? Well, politicians, especially of the Republican variety, often have principles that they say are more important than the well-being of people. For example, if we promote a healthcare solution, they argue that, even if it works, it’s evil, because it doesn’t preserve the… Read more »

Why the Republican-Christian “Charity-only” poverty solution is both evil and ineffective

… [The following excerpt is  from my book, “Rescuing Religion from Republican Reason.”] … The Charity Argument How do Republican Christians avoid sounding like the devil while opposing a taxation system that redistributes wealth to the needy? They promote charity as the sole solution. In other words, they believe that if mandatory wealth redistribution were… Read more »

How the Republican Party has Removed “Turn the other cheek” from Christianity

Many people today forget that Dr. Martin Luther King, the leader of the peaceful resistance civil rights movement of the 1960s, had another title to his name: “Reverend.” His call to non-violent protest in the face of sometimes violent opposition wasn’t just a political tactic; it was a religious conviction that can be found at… Read more »

How Christian-supported gay discrimination laws will set the stage for future Christian persecution

The Republican Party loves to use fear of an apocalyptic doomsday scenario to scare people into supporting all Republican causes and condemning the Democratic Party as evil. One such scare tactic is convincing Christians that voting for Democrats will bring about the persecution of Christianity. Whenever the Republican news media can find a case in… Read more »

Jesus and Paul Never Mandated Morality for Non-Christians

The following is an excerpt from my book, “Rescuing Religion from Republican Reason,” (pictured at right) Buy It at Amazon As I shared in a blog post several weeks ago, the Republicans use family values rhetoric as their primary tool in securing Christian loyalty. Once they do that, they then bombard Christians with greed rhetoric… Read more »